Exams over and done with, should have a degree on the way... where to go?! Silly question really, guranteed flows on the Nevis River, Kawarau always there and many more prospects if the rain comes. 13 hours after I finished my exams I had packed up my life and flew to Queenstown to meet up with Willzy and Simon D. After some celebratory nights I figured it about time to get down to business, Nevis was at 21cumec so it was all on. The crew was Willz, Simon D, Ben Robson and myself, here some of the pictures...
Simon following suit
Last but not least... Willzy
Ben and Willz discussing lines at lunch counter... Yeah Right
Simon D, home run?
Scouting Little Brother
Ben in the middle of Little Brother
Willz and Si scouting the stout
Gradient and Water!
Ben firing the lead in to Big Brother
Ben styling it
... and towards big brother
Scouting Big Brother
Simon..."Next time bro".
Another trip down this amazing river, making it three for the spring. Hopefully we can get it one more time before moving up to the West Coast to get one some on my favourite home runs. Watch this space.
next run next weekend? are you coming bro? will be there.
hope to see you guys!
nice blog, by the way
Nice post, Loved that river when I was working down in Qtown. Nice post on the East Waikia as well. Cheers
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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