- Us failing to find the trail head the first time (P. Barny)
- Soaking it all in (P. Barny)
- The Canon (P. Barny)
- Loving one of my last granite slides (P. Snarley)
- Barny on Chuck's Drop (I think) (P. Snarley)
- Snarly on it (P. Barny)
- Me keeping it straight (P. Barny)
- The final boof out of Chucks (P. Barny)
- One for mum ay (P. Barny)
- Pot hole boofs! (P. Snarley)
- Snarley... being snarley (P. Barny)
- Daan featuring in the final gorge, great flow (P. Snarley)
- Yeah... that how we roll! (P. Amazingly kind boat owners!)
What a fitting end to the trip really. Throughout the hole trip things really fell into place logistically in terms of flows, people turning up and pretty much just everything. With the exception of Fantasy Falls, Barny and I pretty much got everything that we were hoping to get and much more. 49 to Bridgeport, Purdons to Bridgeport, Upper Middle Consumes, Devils Canyon of the Middle Feather, Yuba Gap, Little White Salmon, North Fork of the Clackamas, South Branch of the Feather, Kimshew through Secret Stash, Upper Summit Run, South Mecred, Golden Gate, Royal Gorge, Dinky Creek, Hospital Rock, East Kaweah, West Cherry... some of which we got a few runs down AND I am sure I have forgotten to mention a few! This has just made us even more hungry for cali granite and there is already a plan for a 2-3 week stop over on our way to Norway next year. Now its time to be a tourist in Europe before heading back to NZ for a big summer there. Watch this space
- A-Team Salute!!!